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Building Empowerment, Resisting Patriarchy with Dr. Soma Chaudhuri
Friday, 20 Sep 2019
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
International Center Room 303
Center for Gender in Global Context
Event Details:

This research explores how empowerment programs impact gender based violence and the social structures that lead to such violence in the first place. Drawing from interviews with former participants in empowerment programs that focus on building community leaders, the study examines how grassroots women lead interventions and the resulting effects on leaders' and survivors' lives. Findings suggest that although most survivors had displayed some agency in independently resisting violence, their efforts are effective when coupled with a support network and access to resources. With the intervention of leaders, the survivors were able to better negotiate for justice with a renewed sense of agency. For the leaders, participation in programs gave them an identity independent from their status within the family. They promoted change by developing independent innovative intervention strategies that worked despite the tight structural constraints of gendered norms.