PC Prep Documents


This page contains documents and other resources for participants in the Peace Corps Prep program. The Program Coordinator will share the link as necessary with students at the appropriate stage of their application process.

Printed copies of these forms are available from the Program Coordinator or Peace Corps Recruitment Office for those without easy access to a printer.

Planning and Applying

Peace Corps Prep Program Interest Survey (link)

  • Complete this survey to indicate your interest in the program; the Program Coordinator will provide information about the next steps in the application process.

2024-25 Peace Corps Prep Student Guide (pdf)

  • This detailed guide provides information about every stage of the Peace Corps Prep program, from planning to obtaining the certificate and applying to the Peace Corps. While major changes to the program are not expected, requirements for obtaining the certificate are based on the guide in effect the year you entered the program. 

Peace Corps Prep Planning Sheet (pdf)

  • Use this document to plan out your Peace Corps Prep classes and other experiences.
  • This sheet mirrors the online application form you will fill out when you are ready to apply.

Peace Corps Prep Online Application (link)

  • When you are ready to apply for the program, use the information you gathered on the Planning Sheet to complete the online application.

During the Program

Course Petition Form (link)

  • Use this online form to request that a course be considered for requirements in either your work sector or the intercultural competence requirement.
  • To be used if needed for Competencies 1 or 3

Work Sector Hours Verification Form (pdf)

  • Use this document to verify your minimum of 50 hours' experience related to your work sector (Training and Experience competency).
  • Required form for Competency 1
  • You complete this form and bring it to your Exit Interview.

Tailoring Your Résumé for a Peace Corps Application (pdf)

  • Carefully read this handout and use the information to prepare your Peace Corps-specific résumé.
  • Required reading and action for Competency 4
  • You create a Peace Corps-specific résumé and receive feedback on it.

Sample Résumés for all Sectors (pdf)

  • Look through this handout for ideas on how you can structure your résumé and highlight important aspects of your background and training depending on your sector.
  • Recommended reading for Competency 4

Résumé Review Verification Form (pdf)

  • Use this form to verify that you have had your résumé critiqued by an appropriately qualified person (Professional and Leadership Development competency).
  • The MSU Peace Corps Recruitment Office is a great place to make an appointment for your résumé  review. Email them at msupeace(at)msu.edu to set up an appointment!
  • Required form for Competency 4
  • You have this form signed by the person who reviews your résumé; bring completed form to your Exit Interview.

Preparing for Your Peace Corps Interview (pdf)

  • Carefully read this handout and use the information to prepare your mock interview (and your real one down the line).
  • Required reading and action for Competency 4

Actual Interview Email from Peace Corps (pdf)

  • This handout contains the wording of the actual email sent by Peace Corps when you have been selected for an interview.
  • Recommended reading for Competency 4

Interview Preparation Verification Form (pdf)

  • Use this form to verify that you have participated in a mock interview (Professional and Leadership Development competency).
  • The MSU Peace Corps Recruitment Office is a great place to make an appointment for a mock interview. Email them at msupeace(at)msu.edu to set up an appointment! You can do this at the same appointment as your résumé review.
  • Required form for Competency 4
  • You have this form signed by the person who conducts your mock interview; bring completed form to your Exit Interview.

Leadership Experience Form (link)

  • Use this online form to describe and reflect on a leadership experience (Professional and Leadership Development competency).
  • Required form for Competency 4
  • You complete this form online before your exit interview (Coordinator will receive a confirmation email so it's on record for your Exit Interview).

Completing the Program

Spartan Experience Record (pdf)

  • This handout provides information about adding your PC Prep competencies to your Spartan Experience Record, an optional cocurricular transcript from the Registrar.
  • Recommended activity as you complete the PC Prep program. 

Pre-Exit Checklist Checklist (pdf)

  • Use this internal checklist to make sure you have everything you need before you make your appointment with the Program Coordinator to complete the Exit Checklist. 
  • Checklist to verify that you have the necessary documentation before your Exit Interview

Exit Checklist (pdf)

  • This is the official checklist provided by the Peace Corps to certify that you have completed the program. You and the Program Coordinator will sign this form and if you apply to the Peace Corps, you will scan and attach the Exit Checklist to your application.
  • Fall graduates: schedule your Exit Interview before October 15
  • Spring graduates: schedule your Exit Interview before March 15
  • Required form to complete program; you will complete this form with the Program Coordinator during your Exit Interview. No need to print!