International Studies & Programs

MSU Canadian Partnership Forum

Hosted by the Canadian Studies Center and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Published: Monday, 14 Oct 2019

Image of iceberg

David Baumann, PhD
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Edoardo Sarda, PhD
Assistant Professor, Robotics Engineering

School of Engineering and Technology
Lake Superior State University
Sault Ste. Marie, MI

Monday, October 14, 2019

Forum Summary
MSU Canadian Studies Center and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
welcomed Drs. David Baumann and Edoardo Sarda from Lake Superior State University as they
presented a novel approach to using acoustic reverberation time for detecting oil under ice.
Facilitated by Volodymyr V. Tarabara, Ph.D., MSU Professor of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Drs. Baumann and Sarda demonstrated how they applied room acoustics and
Sabine’s law to construct a benchtop study. Their study consisted of a small tank environment,
hydrophone, and impulsive acoustic source, for evaluating reverberation time in a riverbed-like
setting. The study revealed that ice had a significant impact on reverberation time as compared
to a water-only environment. Furthermore, findings from the study show a difference in
reverberation time when oil was present as compared to an oil-free ice layer. Results from the
study will be further explored through robotics and autonomous underwater vehicles. The
ultimate goal is the development of an autonomous observation system for mapping the
presence of oil under ice over large areas.
Over 18 faculty and students from at least four different MSU departments attended the
presentation and followed it up with a thorough discussion. LSSU visitors met with several
faculty during their visit to campus, creating potential for future collaboration concerning oil
spill management in natural waters.