International Studies & Programs

Experience allows Lupe to reflect and appreciate life

I am a first-generation Latinx female student, and I learned to appreciate everything my ancestors have done for me.

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Published: Friday, 01 Apr 2022 Author: Guadalupe V. Martinez

Lupe in field in MexicoI have been a part of the International Engagement in Mexico (IEM) program since my freshman year. From my first experience I realized that the program really helped me connect with my vulnerable side and increased my desire to help others. I also learned that culture is different for every different place in the world. My first year is also when I decided to get a minor in Chicano/Latino studies to better understand a culture I thought I knew because I was a part of it.

This education abroad program is like no other. I thought, from hearing others’ experiences of studying abroad, that I would have to do all the travel coordination myself. IEM helps with all the planning, and it is so much easier to be able to participate in such a grand program.

The program allows you to connect with your more vulnerable characteristics like empathy and helps strengthen your work ethic while learning about a completely different culture first-hand.

In the end, it was not about the tours and excursions, it was about connecting with my humanity and really helping me realize and appreciate everything I have in my life and everything I can do. I am a first-generation Latinx female Students listening to lecture in Chiapas, Mexicostudent, and I learned to appreciate everything my ancestors have done for me.

Name: Guadalupe V. Martinez (Lupe)
Status: Senior
Majors: Agribusiness Management and Food Industry Management
Hometown: Hermitage, Arkansas
Program: International Engagement in Mexico - Chiapas