International Studies & Programs


Asia Hub Annual Meeting 2023

Excitement builds in Sanya, Hainan as momentum picks up for Asia Hub

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Published: Thursday, 10 Aug 2023 Author: Jennifer Wargo

a large group of people sits auditorium style facing the camera
Asia Hub meeting members tour local facilities in the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Park.

This article's original translation into Chinese was written by Adele Han.

Asia Hub wrapped up its international annual meeting in July 2023, held in Sanya, Hainan, China. This event was organized by Michigan State University (MSU), Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU), Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Administration, Future Earth Nexus KAN, and the Sanya Institute of Nanjing Agricultural University. The event brought together 200 scholars, scientists, and administrators from over 15 countries in order to address  pressing issues related to water, energy, food, climate change, health, and education across the diverse continent of Asia. 21 scholars and administrators from MSU attended the meeting, many of them visiting Hainan for the first time.

The event began with the launch of a new consortium hosted by NAU (the Consortium for Innovations in Agricultural Education and Research in Asia, or CIAERA). This launch was followed by the Asia Hub annual meeting where partners from regional nodes in South, Southeast, East, and Central Asia shared regional updates since the last annual meeting in 2019. They presented their progress,

A woman stands and holds a microphone to facilitate a discussion
Dr. Isabella Tirtowalujo (MSU) leads a discussion during the Asia Hub meeting.

discussed  challenges, and shared opportunities. The annual meeting concluded with five working groups convening to share and discuss specific research issues and future priorities. These working groups came up with next steps, including future virtual meetings, joint proposals, graduate students exchange, and potential co-publications.

Regarding the impact of this meeting on the future of Asia Hub, Dr. Jiaguo Qi (MSU), Asia Hub Director, states, “Asia Hub is dedicating itself as a ‘solutions hub.’ It is better positioned as an international, non-governmental organization to develop, disseminate, and implement science-based solutions and collaborations to address pressing and emerging challenges in Asia.” Qi emphasizes that Asia Hub has grown organically since its formal launch in 2017 into a “shared vision and innovative partnership model” that is “owned by all partners.”

The Asia Hub network now includes 25 academic institutions and 7 international organizations; new partner

A man stands in front of the group, talking into a microphone.
Asia Hub Director, Dr. Jiaguo Qi (MSU), leads a discussion during the Asia Hub meeting.

institutions from Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Thailand signed Memorandums of Understanding at the 2023 annual meeting. 

The next annual meeting will be held in Thailand (in collaboration with Chiangmai University) in late fall of 2024. In the meantime, the working groups will continue to meet and work on proposals, publications, and projects together.

2023年7月,美国密西根州立大学亚洲农业中心(Asia Hub) 在海南三亚成功举办了大型国际年度会议。此次年会由密西根州立大学,南京农业大学,三亚崖州湾科技城的行政部门,未来地球耦合系统知识与行动网络,南京农业大学三亚研究院共同组织举办。会议汇聚了来自超过15 个国家的 200 多名学者、科学家和行政管理人员,旨在合作探讨横跨亚洲各大陆,与水、能源、食品、气候变化、一体化健康和教育相关的紧迫问题。其中,来自美国密西根州立大学的学者和行政人员多达21人,许多人是第一次到访海南。


three men sit with several people standing behind them in a meeting room
Asia Hub Working Group on Water, Energy, and Food Security, chaired by Dr. Yadu Pokhrel of MSU and Dr. Sura Pattanakiat of Mahidol University, Thailand, poses for a picture.


谈论到本次会议对亚洲农业研究中心未来的影响,亚洲农业研究中心主任齐家国博士(来自密西根州立大学)表示:“亚洲农业研究中心致力于‘解决方案中心’。面临亚洲地区紧迫和不断涌现的一系列挑战,亚洲农业研究中心作为一个国际非政府组织,更具备开发、传播和实施以科学为基础的解决方案和合作的能力。” 齐博士强调说,自 2017 年正式启动以来,亚洲农业研究中心已逐步发展成为由所有合作伙伴共同拥有的,并奔赴共同愿景的创新合作模式。


a small group of people smile standing in a path that goes through a field, seemingly in conversation
Michigan State University faculty (Dr. Yuying Xie, Dr. Steven Pueppke, and Dr. Hui Li) converse during the farm site visit.