International Studies & Programs


Chinese Students and Scholars Showcase Spartan Spirit at MSU Homecoming Parade

2023 marks the 150th year of MSU's international engagement

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Published: Wednesday, 11 Oct 2023 Author: Yanjiang Teng

ISP 1.jpg
International Students parade team,2023 is
the 150th anniversary of MSU international students 

On September 22, the annual MSU homecoming parade took place on East Lansing campus. The year 2023 marked the 150th anniversary of MSU's engagement in international education, and the parade served as the kickoff event for a year-long celebration honoring all international Spartans who have contributed to MSU's reputation as a globally engaged institution.
This year, 116 distinctive parade teams participated, highlighting the vibrancy and enthusiasm of MSU's academic and educational endeavors. More than 30 Chinese students and scholars, along with their family members, joined the parade, alongside other international students and scholars from the International Studies and Programs (ISP) group. 

Chinese students at the Homecing parade

The international students, dressed in traditional outfits representing their respective nations, added a touch of beauty and diversity to the parade procession. Among them, our Spartans from China were thrilled to be part of the global Spartan community and to participate in such an event for the first time in their lives. Some students donned Hanfu, a traditional Chinese garment with thousands of years of cultural significance. Others showcased Chinese culture in a variety of other ways, including hand-drawn panda boards, kites, large posters featuring the Chinese national flag, and other symbols representing China.

Jinrui Yuan, a sophomore majoring in marketing at the College of Business, shared his excitement, saying, "Wearing traditional Hanfu during the school's Homecoming parade as an international student filled me with immense pride and excitement. Surrounding international students looked on with curiosity and admiration, amplifying my pride as a Chinese student. In that moment, it wasn't just about showcasing personal style but also making a modest effort to promote Chinese culture. I hope more people can come to understand and fall in love with this beauty and wisdom from the East."
Ling Chen, a visiting scholar from the Visiting International Professional Program, added, "Last year, when I first came to MSU, I stood along the road to cheer the parade. This year, I feel so excited to be part of the ISP parade group. As the theme of the parade indicates, there's no place better than home! I love Homecoming parade!"

The Chinese students took photo with MSU headmaster Theresa Woodruff

As a top global university, MSU places a high value on international engagement and recognizes its essential role in fulfilling MSU's mission to advance knowledge and transform lives. The parade lasted about two hours, providing participants with a memorable American university tradition, a chance to showcase their cultural identity, and a great experience to cherish.
We would like to express our gratitude to Caiyin Liang, a senior majoring in graphic design; Dian Xu, a doctoral student from the School of Packaging; and Lulu An, a doctoral student majoring in physiology, for their support in writing this article.