When I did the program for the first time in my freshman year I fell in love with community engagement, so much that I decided to continue my community engagement efforts at Michigan State as a Community Engaged Scholar. This second time that I went, I was open to a different perspective. Being on this side of the table was different. I was a leader, I was a role model, I was the person that the students asked if they had any questions. I have always been the person that plans everything, I like to be prepared but I don’t think anything could have prepared me for being a site leader. I was exposed to a different version of
Spanish is my second language, however, it’s the language I have spoken the most in my lifetime. But going on this program challenged me to take the role of an interpreter. Many American Spanish speakers don’t get to experience that proper translation aspect, but I wanted my peers that didn’t speak Spanish to absorb the same information that I was.
Although I am Latina, going to Mexico always teaches me so much about their culture. I always thought that because I am Mexican, I couldn’t be a tourist in Mexico. But I quickly realized that Mexico is so much more than my small town. Mexico has pyramids that you can climb, oceans for you to swim, desserts to drive in and cities to explore. IEM lifted up that barrier between my small town and an endless world of opportunity. The Mexico I knew two years ago is not the same Mexico I know now.
Name: Aleida Contreras
Status: Sophomore
Major: Applied Engineering Science
Hometown: Auburn Hills, Michigan
Program: International Engagement in Huatulco